General Council
On the first few occasions, wear your new shoes in a dry place. Afterward, try to avoid wearing the same shoes for several days in a row. It prolongs their life and helps them stay warm and comfortable. Leather shoes should dry out all natural sweat from the foot for a full day and should not be worn two days in a row.
Use a water repellent
Before you start your new shoes, be sure to apply a water repellent coat to the leather. After the initial application, usually reapply it as directed. Most experts recommend using a water-based insect repellent that allows it to breathe and wick away the moisture it contains. Moisture affects the elasticity of leather. It is therefore essential to keep your balance. Too much humidity causes the leather to stretch, while too little humidity causes the leather to shrink. In either case, the leather becomes ugly and loses its original cut. For as little as $ 8, you can spray water repellant and dramatically increase the comfort and durability of your leather shoes.
Tip: Wipe your shoes with a clean, warm sponge before adding extra coats of insect repellent. This will warm the leather, making it easier to absorb the product and prevent dust from getting stuck between the leather and the repellant.
Shoe trees (Shape)
Always store leather shoes with moisture-absorbing cedar shoe trees, to prevent cracks and permanent wrinkling of the leather when the toes bend. Cedar draws moisture from perspiration and awakens its natural structural memory. The cedar aroma also deodorizes shoes naturally. It is best to insert the shoe shaft immediately after removing your shoes; This allows interior moisture to be absorbed instantly.
Shoe horn
Always use a shoe horn when putting on shoes to prevent the back of the shoe from deteriorating. Never force your feet into the shoes.
When traveling, wear shoes or shoes made of soft material. This protects the leather from scratches.
Care Leather shoes
Clean the shoes with a leather cleaner to remove dirt. Never use any type of cleaner that contains an acid or detergent which damages fine leather and ages the shoe. If necessary, use soap and water for better cleaning. Make sure to rinse off all the saddle soap. The residual saddle soap will damage the skin, just like the dried soap. Never use detergent, it destroys natural oils. If the shoes are very soiled, apply a soft coat of Ivory soap to a damp cloth, wipe them off and allow them to dry.
Condition the leather to soften it. Although the leather is still slightly damp after a good cleaning, apply a leather conditioner to replace the natural oils in the leather. We recommend the Lexol air conditioner with Lanolin. Put your clean, dry shoes aside for 24 hours. It is always a good idea to use shoe trees to keep your shoes in shape. Later, buff or wax and polish until you get a brilliant shine.
Use paste, wax or shoe polish to make your shoes shine. Make sure the polish matches the shoes. Use a cream to shade the shoe to cover the scratches. Neutral is the “color” for light-colored shoes. Other colors can be used when purchasing polish. The golden cream varnish moisturizes the fine leather, keeping it supple and permeating the leather to allow the leather to breathe. Waxing makes leather shine better than cream, but it seals the leather and dries it out. Avoid polishing the liquid; it has a quick shine on your shoes, it can dry out and break the leather. You can apply the polish with a soft, clean cloth. old cotton socks will work well. You can also use a horsehair brush instead of a rag; if you are using a stamp you will need a different one for each polish color you use.
Let the shoes dry (about 10 minutes), then use them with a buffing brush, preferably horsehair, and use a soft cloth.
Wet shoes
The first thing to consider is that they need to be waxed or oiled so that they tend to repel water. The less water leather absorbs, the longer it will last and the more comfortable you will be. Wet leather will stretch and weaken, shrink and become brittle as it dries. Once your shoes are wet, however, they should be dried as quickly as possible. Never dry wet shoes near fires, radiators, golden pipes. Slow natural drying at room temperature is preferable. (Between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit gold 20 and 35 degrees Celsius) Moisture absorbed by water during the day. Stuff with newspaper if shoe trees are not available to help moisture and crop the shoe. If you can’t dry your boots properly, wear them in a dry place until they can dry before taking them off.